National Mortgage Guarantee (NHG)
Under certain conditions, you can take out a mortgage with National Mortgage Guarantee (NHG). The foundation 'Waarborgfonds Eigen Woning' (Homeownership Guarantee Institution) will warrant in this case. Changes in your personal circumstances could be of influence to your financial situation. When you are no longer able to pay the mortgage, for example due to divorce, unemployment, professional disability or demise the National Mortgage Guarantee will look for a suitable solution together with us and the lender. If sale turns out to be the only option and a residual debt remains, the National Mortgage Guarantee can write off the residual debt in certain situations.
If you take out a mortgage with National Mortgage Guarantee, the lender will have more security. This is why you will receive a reduction on interest.
When taking out the National Mortgage Guarantee mortgage, you will pay a one-time fee for guarantee provision, this is 0,6% of the mortgage sum. You will pay this fee to the foundation 'Waarborgfonds Eigen Woning' (Homeownership Guarantee Institution), because this foundation will warrant the loan. You will be able to deduct these costs from the income tax once.
When taking out a National Mortgage Guarantee mortgage, the mortgage sum must be lower than or equal to the cost limit. This is the maximum sum one can loan with the National Mortgage Guarantee to finance a house. As of 1 Januari 2023, this is € 405.000,- or € 429.300,- in case off energy-saving utilities.
Buying a home
You can take out the loan for buying a home to:
- buy the home, or to buy off of the monthly ground lease;
- refurbish and/or install energy-saving utilities;
- finance costs such as assessment costs, notary costs, guarantee provision and consultancy costs.
The maximum loan is 100% of the market value of your home after refurbishment. If you wish to invest in energy-saving utilities, this maximum loan is 106%.
Refinancing a home
A loan for refinancing can be taken out for paying:
- the principal sum of the existing mortgage, up to the maximum of the open market value of refurbishment;
- eventual penalty interest for buying off the existing interest contract;
- the costs for a possible refurbishing and/or energy-saving utilities;
- costs such as assessment costs, notary costs, guarantee provision and consultancy costs.
In this case too:
- the maximum loan is 100% of the market value of the home after refurbishment;
- the maximum loan is 106% if you wish to invest in energy-saving utilities.